Sample Speech

           In a world where very little is under our personal control, few aspects of our lives are actually available for manipulation. Exercise is such an activity. The beauty of hopping outside for a twenty minute run is that it is your prerogative; it is your good decision. In Start Now, I argue that incorporating exercise into our weekly routines is far more important than commonly supposed.        
          This speech was probably the most enjoyable assignment in LA101H. I felt the power of persuasion as I wrote, and I used my passion for the topic to fuel my words. I noticed after delivery the speech that I did not have a clear thesis, and so going back and revising this speech means a great deal to me, because I get to perfect something important to me. I also switched some words here and there to achieve exact meaning. I also edited the sentences I had inserted that were geared directly to my immediate audience, the class of LA101H and made those sections more generic. Overall, the improvements streamline the speech so that my message is more concise, coherent, and effective.